The Fee Schedule

***We will beat any other Certified Appraiser's Fees.***

Full Summary Appraisal Report ~ $600.  A summary appraisal report includes extensive research on the horses background, bloodlines, riding discipline, show record, and foal records.  A comparable analysis is used to determine the fair market value. These reports are bound and admissible in a court of law. Mileage cost and inspection - $150 per hour – 4 hour minimum.

Mileage or Airline Cost ~ $1.50 per mile, to and from destination when using my vehicle - Travel, hotel expenses, etc. must also be covered and is in addition to this fee.
Long Distance - Airline Fees, Vehicle Rental fees, hotel and travel expences must be covered.     I can drive or take a flight to and from your location.

Expert Witness and/or Court Testimony ~ $500 per hour / 4 hour minimum. Travel, hotel expenses, etc. must also be covered and is in addition to this fee.

Depositions ~ $400 per hour

Research related to the case, additional analysis, deposition review - $250 per hour.

Complex Appraisals involving many horses or civil litigation - to be negotiated.

A deposit of ½ down or $300 is required to begin a summary appraisal.  Final payment is required before the report can be sent.  Appraisals requiring a rush job (less than two weeks) and appraisals involving a divorce must be paid up-front and in full.  Normal time required for a full summary appraisal is 3-4 weeks from receipt of pertinent information and deposit.

Varner Equine Appraisals
Donna M. Varner
Certified Equine Appraiser since May 5, 2002
ASEA Appraiser #03519
Phone: (724) 825-0124